Friday, March 16, 2012

Waiting on baby!

So I am 37 weeks and I have heard people say I am so tired of being pregnant well ladies and gentlemen I AM TIRED OF BEING PREGNANT. First and most importantly I am tired of being pregnant because I want to see my baby girl outside of my stomach and hold her and see her every day. Secondly I am tired of looking and feeling so huge, my clothes not fitting right, not being able to walk like a normal person, taking an act of congress to get up off the couch...must I go on??
Two weeks ago I went to the doctor and we did an ultrasound and she was 5 lbs 9 ounces. She had huge cheeks I am talking chipmunk cheeks, and "more than peach fuzz" hair. Looks like I better bring a brush to the hospital and depending maybe a straightner! (I am only kidding). I then had my examination. He said her head was very very low, which he said is a good thing. Her head was about an inch and a half from the exit door! I was effaced 100% and dilated 1 cm. This past Monday I went back and I was still 1 cm, but her head was even lower. I am officially full term so the baby can come any time now. This waiting is driving me nuts! Every single little thing that I feel I am like "what was that" is that a contraction?? You can't ask people because everyone has had a different experience. Some people just knew they were having a contraction and other people had no idea. Some peoples water broke and some didn't. I do get a lot of braxton hicks and today I have been having a back ache and nauseous. I am hoping these are signs of her coming soon, but you just never know. I guess she will come when she is good and ready. I can tell she is uncomfortable in there because she does a lot of squirming all day! She is welcome to come whenever she wants. Her room is ready and our bags and her carseat are in the car!
Joe has been such a big help lately. He has really taken over a lot of the house chores and got some of our last minute things taken care of!! I really appreciate him and am so lucky! We are both getting impatient though and are so ready to meet her!!!

Total weight gain 22!
Sleep: Pretty much impossible I feel like I am up all night
Cravings: Still just orange juice. I know I am so boring.

Maybe next Monday I will have a more exciting update!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


IT IS GETTING CLOSER!!!! I am having mixed emotions. I am so ready to meet her and inspect each and every part of her!! It is the part in between having her in my belly and having her in my arms that scares me quite a bit! The closer it gets the more scared and anxious I get! This week I am 34 weeks pregnant which means 6 weeks to go! It really has flown by.
This past Monday I had my 34 week appointment. It was the usual appointment checked my weight, baby's heartbeat, measure my stomach, and discuss any problems.  I did bring up to him...Well let me rephrase that. He noticed the way I was sitting and he asked if my tailbone was getting worse and I said yes! He said that he thinks it may be curved, which has nothing to do with the baby it was probably curved before, but now that the baby is in there her head is probably pushing on it, which causes the pain. I go back to the doctor in about a week and a half and he will start checking me then and he will be able to check my tailbone and see if it is curved. If it is in fact curved that may result in a c-section due to the tailbone not allowing the baby enough room to come out, but we will find out for sure on the 5th. Also on the 5th we do a sonogram to see how big the little or big cupcake is!
Tomorrow is my last shower of my life probably! I am excited for it. I can’t wait to see all of my friends!  I love getting baby stuff. I hope we get some good stuff off of our registry because we still have a lot we still need. Babies come with a lot of baggage!!!

Latest Belly pic
Total weight Gain: 16 pounds
Baby's heart rate- 150's
Belly's measurement- right at 34 weeks
Latest craving- Made Joe go get me a root beer float the other day, but mainly still Orange Juice
Mood- Tired and sometimes a little grumpy!
Sleep- What sleep??
Symptoms- Braxton hicks, tailbone, and sometimes a weird pulling feeling in my abdomen like a pulled muscle that comes and goes.  No normal symptoms for me all weird ones!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Last weekend was a great weekend!! Saturday we had our Angel Prints appointment where we were able to see little Miss Abigail on the big screen in their 3d/4d session. Of course she wasn't cooperating. First she was face first in the placenta so it made it a little difficult to see her face.  Then she decided to be an acrobat and put both of her feet into her face again blocking her face yet again, and it pretty much looked like she was asleep and did not want to move out of her comfy position for anyone to see! The ultrasound guy had me lying in all kinds of weird positions trying to make her move, but nothing! We did get a sneak peek of her little face. We caught a smile, a frown, and her first bad habit of sucking her thumb! It was such a neat experience and I was so glad that our friends and family were there to enjoy it with us!

Then Sunday I had my family baby shower! My mom, aunts, and cousins threw the shower for me and it came out amazing. The decorations were so me and so cute! I loved it all. We had a lot of people show up! We played some really fun games and I racked up in baby stuff.  That day we got home so late, but my 6 year old niece, Cayden had been going crazy all day to get all of the baby stuff home and put up in all their special places. She was such a big help. She went through all of the bags, took every thing out, hung all the clothes, and put everything else where "she" thought it all needed to go!! I was exhausted so I was thankful she had so much energy to do it all for me! Here are a few pics from the shower!

It was a great day and I am so blessed with such great friends and family who attended! Now the countdown begins until the next shower!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30 week appointment

WOW am I really at 30 weeks already?? Do I really just have 10 weeks left and 8 weeks until I am considered full term?? This is scary! I am not scared about actually having my own child, because I am ecstatic about that and I can't wait to hold my little girl in my arms.  I am scared about the actual delivery!! It is a scary thing. I know women do it all the time, but geez to think you actually have to push your own baby out can be sort of.....well scary. I just don't want anything to go wrong. People can tell me until they are blue in the face that it will all be fine and I am young and I will do great, but sorry people you are not God or a fortune teller so anything can happen.  I know they are just trying to help and I really do appreciate that!! All I can do is do what the doctors tell me to do and say a little prayer and hope everything goes smoothly so we can have a healthy little girl!

So today I had my 30 week appointment. We did the normal routine; pee in a cup, step on that awful scale, check blood pressure, measure belly, feel around on stomach to see where baby is, listen to heart rate, ask "do you have any questions?" tell you to be back in 2 weeks, and sent me on my way. So here is the update

Weight gain-  From last appointment to this appointment 0. Total gain in pregnancy- 13lbs

Babies heart rate-  145

Belly's measurement-  Right at 30 weeks

Babies position-  Still breeched, but she has time. She will be late to flip because she gets her lateness from her mommy

Things I miss since being pregnant-  Wine

Things I crave- Nothing really. I have to have orange juice in the morning and I usually eat the same thing, a whole wheat waffle with peanut butter on top and apples.

Size of baby-  According to the internet 4 lbs and 16 inches long

 Maternity Clothes-  Maternity jeans, work pants, a couple shirts, but usually just wear loose fitting shirts

 Sleep-  I sleep on my side with one preggo pillow between my legs and for me to hug and one behind me that I have to stuff under my back. I sleep okay, but if I get woken up its time to pee!

This weekend is going to be an exciting weekend! Saturday we have an angel prints appointment to be able to get a sneak peak at the baby! They will do it in 3d/4d so we can see her little face! Sunday is one of my baby showers and I just can't wait! I hope this week flies by!!!

Belly pics

I tried to take belly pics often so I would have them to look back on so here they are!
 10 weeks and I thought I was big then!

   13 weeks

 16 weeks!

 18 weeks...maybe a little bump

  20 weeks

   22 weeks
  25 weeks

  28 going back now!

 30 weeks! It is like it came over night

Stuff I missed- catching up on Baby Abigail Rose

I have had a great pregnancy. The first trimester was rough not being able to keep anything down, but besides that I have had it very easy, knock on wood. I have remained active, as of right now I am not exhausted all day except towards the end of the day, I eat normally, and I have gained a normal amount of weight. I  have had a tailbone problem and we are thinking the pressure from the baby unaligned the tailbone, which is just going to get worse after delivery so there really isnt anything I can do about it, but besides that there hasnt been any issues. WHEW.. We have had a few sonogram pictures that I will share so you can see the babies growth.

This I believe was the first one so it must have been 8 weeks. She was just a little baby blob.

Next one I have is 16 weeks, isnt she sooo cute!

This one is 20 weeks

Isnt she adorable I love her little nose!   I can't wait to meet this little cupcake!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stuff I missed- Gender Reveal Party

When I found out we were pregnant I knew I wanted to have a Gender Reveal Party. They are becoming so popular. So what our plan was since the doctor can't tell  you the gender until 20 weeks they have a sonogram place that can tell you at 16 weeks. So we planned on going to the sonogram place at 17 weeks  and having them write down what the gender of the baby was and giving the piece of paper to my moms friend to make cupcakes. Inside the cupcakes she will put either pink or blue filling and we will invite our closest friends and family over to all bite into the cupcake at once! Well the doctor trying to be nice offered to check for me at my 17 week appointment so we wouldnt have to pay angel prints to do it. So me, mom, and Joe all went to the doctor and pulled in his old rinky dink sonogram machine and went for a look. At first he said he was 85% sure he knew what the gender was, which obviously is not sure enough for us to host a part with so he checked again and then he was 99% sure. I was pretty convinced that he knew what he was talking about so he wrote it down and mom brought it to her friend Miss Jill. Well the next day me and mom started having second thoughts the 99% just wasn't doing it for us so mom said just call angel prints and I will pay for them to do the sonogram just so we can reassure our minds! So the day before the party we went to angel prints. At first the girl was having problems seeing because the baby had its legs crossed and the cord was between its legs so I had to jump up and down run around the room to try and get her to move so she could see. O by the way the sonogram girl had called Ms Jill who had the piece of paper with the gender on it so she knew what the doctor had said it was. So after a while of trying to see what the little peanut was she finally said "okay this is what we are going to do, since I see something different then the doctor saw...(then all you hear is a bunch of gasps from everyone in the room), go eat and come back so I can make sure". I was like Holy Crap! So I went and ate a really sugary cinnamon roll and went back and that baby was jumping around!! She saw what it was in 2 seconds and said she was 200% sure of what it was and it was not what the doctor said. I was in total disbelief but so thankful that we decided to go to angel prints and get a second opinion! What a day that was though! So we had the party on Sunday and it was amazing all of our friends and family came and we hung out and played some baby games then finally bit into the cupcakes! What a special moment that was. I deep down was hoping it was a girl, but I never would admit it!  Here is the video and some pictures!